Friday, January 21, 2011


Every Friday on Twitter you see lots of #ff or #follow friday hashtags. “ff” can also mean “friend Friday.” It’s a fun way to give a shout out to your friends or sometimes your favorite bloggers or authors. I’m always honored to be included, although I’m not as good at shouting back sometimes. So today (following my Wordless Wednesday theme) I decided to give my favorite bloggers a #ff shoutout:

Two blogs I write for regularly:

A big #ff to Karin Gillespie (originator) and Kathy Patrick (current moderator) of the Southern Authors Blog “A Good Blog is Hard to Find”

And another big #ff to Jane Friedman, whose Writers’ Digest Blog “There Are No Rules,” has over 50,000 monthly readers!

Two industry blogs I follow:

Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents (Editor’s Blog)

Michael Hyatt (CEO Thomas Nelson Publishing)

Writers’ Blogs I Follow: #ff love to each of you!

River Jordan

Joshilyn Jackson

Kim Michele Richardson

Kathy Rhodes

Shellie Rushing Thomlinson

Ad Hudler

Kory Wells

Karen Harrington

JT Ellison

Susan Gregg Gilmore

Jessica Handler

Kerry Madden

Jolina Petersheim

Keetha DePriest Mosley

Kathy Patrick

Girlfriends Book Club

Jenny Gardiner

Jennifer Deshler

Paige Crutcher

Emma Connolly

Susan Marquez

Kim Sunee

I’m off to Little Rock this afternoon to spend the weekend with my bff, who is too busy raising four children to blog. We’ll be tromping around in the snow out at her mother’s lake house in the woods and sitting by the fire catching up on our busy lives, so I’ll be off the grid for a couple of days. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Oh, and please let me know of blogs you follow that I might be interested in—just leave a link to them in the comment section. Thanks!


Sarah Allen said...

Great links! Twitter is a useful tool, and this is why. I'll have to check out all the blogs you've recommended.

Keetha said...

I'm in some good company! Thanks, Susan!

It looks like we follow many of the same ones.

Anonymous said...

Well, I know I'm behind when it takes me until the next #ww (Writer Wednesday) to notice your #ff love! Thanks so much!